Welcome to
Corvedale Education

Our Training Courses

The lower legs of a horse wrapped in white bandages with black straps, secured just above the hooves.

Private Coaching at Corvedale Education

A graphic image of a rearing horse facing a standing human figure with outstretched arms, surrounded by bubbles with words like ‘Instinct’ and ‘Strength.’ Below, the word ‘Engage’ and the phrase ‘Inspiration. Education. Equitation.’ are displayed.


A close-up of a horse’s side where the saddle meets the white saddle pad, which has a logo featuring a stylized horse and rider and the text 'CORVEDALE EQUESTRIAN'.


A person stands beside a golden horse with a flowing mane, both backlit by the sun, creating a warm glow. The setting is outdoors with trees in the background, suggesting a serene atmosphere during sunrise or sunset.

Ground Work


About Corvedale Education

Every individual has their preferred way to learn and clinics are a fantastic way to immerse yourself in a subject for the day, and have the advantages of Theory sessions, Demonstrations as well as practical and 1:1 training. As the saying goes “without theory the practice is empty.”

We offer a variety of clinics with myself and visiting experts to give you as many opportunities to gain a clear picture of training full of depth and colour.

“Without theory the practice is empty”